
Frequently Asked Questions

Are you insured?

Yes. We have comprehensive liability coverage through Travelers Insurance for up to $3 million dollars. The policy provides coverage for bodily injury to a 3rd party (for anyone on the job site, including the homeowner) and property damage.

As a responsible operator, we’re registered with WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board). This provides a workers compensation system for the employers and workers of Ontario if they are injured on a job site.

Why are quotes completed in person?

In-person quotes are for the benefit of our clients. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we won’t achieve that by providing a ballpark figure over the phone. It’s just not our style. From our experience, it doesn’t benefit either party in the long run.

Can you provide a colour consultation?

We can advise on paint finishes (eggshell, satin, etc) but prefer to leave colour consultation to our trusted partners. We’ve referred many satisfied clients to Glenda Schmitt, design consultant and owner of Beautiful Choices.

Is there a specific paint finish that works for each room?

Each individual has their own preferences based on style and room use, but here's some guidelines to consider:

Flat paint looks modern and contemporary on wall surfaces and works well in large rooms with lots of light. It is not shiny at all and reflects very little light. This can be especially beneficial in older homes with lath & plaster walls which may be showing imperfections.

Eggshell is another popular paint finish. It reflects just a little more light than a flat finish and will be more washable if stains are expected, for example in a mudroom or play area in a basement.

For trim finishes (baseboards, door and window casings), pearl or semi-gloss are the most popular. The added sheen provides a welcome contrast to flat walls and a polished complete look. The extra shine also brings even more washability.

For more guidance, we love to recommend clients to Glenda Schmitt at Beautiful Choices. She is our trusted partner in the design industry.

What brand of paint do you use?

We trust Benjamin Moore paint for all our work. It's an industry leader and most of our clients first preference. We source our paint from Upper Canada Decorating Centre, located at 3259 Yonge Street (Yonge & Lawrence).

How does payment work?

A deposit must be provided to secure a start date, with full and final payment due when the work is complete to your satisfaction. We accept e-transfer, credit, cheque or cash. Please note a 2% surcharge is applied to credit card payments.

Want tips on choosing the right painting company?

Check out our helpful guide here.

Decoration & Design: Glenda from Beautiful Choices

Blinds & window coverings. Ali Ketabi from Nifty Blinds

Contractor: Noel from MMC Construction

Realtor: Robert Archambault from Remax Offersyoumore

Realtor: Brent Johnston from Remax

Electrician: Karl and his team at Klos Concepts

Plumber: Paddy from Newbridge Plumbing

Does your company also paint murals outdoors or indoors?

We do not paint murals, though we're well connected with Alex from AL Media who is our preferred partner for planning, painting, and finishing large-scale mural designs both indoors and outdoors. You can see his work online.